Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So the inspiration from this comes from Rev. Sonya Milton, the minister of the Unity San Francisco church. Sonya likes to present lessons based on stories and one of the most intriguing and thought provoking ones was her choice this past Sunday. It started out as a simple little tale about a poor man and a scrawny cow, but when you check out the following link, and scroll down to the tale of The Unexpected Guest, you will see it has much great significance, provides much food for thought, and gives each of us a way of examining our own lives to see what might be holding us back from our true potential.

The rest of this won't make much sense if you haven't read the story. But what it is about, and remember the Kabbalah is a mystical tradition which always involves hidden meanings, seems to be to me the fact that we all hold onto things that keep us from having more in our lives. Over many years, I've written about many of these attachments and the importance of letting go of them. Old beliefs, jobs that are not terrible but do keep us from soaring higher, friendships that do not nurture or enrich us, relationships that have some good qualities but do not allow us to come into our own as totally fulfilled human beings. We all have our scrawny cows we are willing to hang onto indefinitely.

In Moneylove and in many seminars over the years, I've used the analogy of the trapeze artist, who in order to grab onto the new trapeze bar must get go of the old bar--holding on just doesn't work. I think a useful exercise is to ponder what scrawny cow or old trapeze bar you are tightly holding, that one thing that would toss you into your own prosperous and majestic future once you let go of it. Life is always about letting go, making room for the future. As my old friend and mentor, Ray Bradbury puts it so eloquently:

"Jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down."


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