Friday, August 28, 2009

Prosperity Blog --

Just a short one this time, to announce my brand new focused-on-Moneylove-and-Prosperity blog.

The first post is published and eventually I will select some of the best prosperity and abundance related posts from this blog to transfer to that one.

Also just published is my e-book, The Moneylove Manifesto, which you can download free.
It's 39 pages packed with prosperity strategies, and the most revealing autobiographic appendix that has the shocking story of my disappearance for 12 years, and lots of other goodies. This is an advance scouting expedition to scope out the territory for the impending updated, revised, annotated edition of Moneylove, which will be the most innovative book on the subject since the original Moneylove and Think And Grow Rich. Check out the manifesto
and you'll see what I mean. You can do that on the new blog, or just click on this link to bring up the opt-in page:

An amazing week, and there's even more--perhaps the most insightful, power and prosperity
focused interview I've ever done, with my brilliant British colleague Barry Dunlop:

So you can see why it's been such a big week for me. I want to thank all of you who have been regular visitors to this blog. It will continue with some fun subjects, some personal stuff, some more information on the health benefits of dark chocolate, as that book is still in progress, but my thoughts on success, prosperity, the law of attraction and beyond, and information that may eventually make it into the new revised Moneylove will all be found on the new blog.
May every aspect of your life prosper and flow,

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