Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So this is a new strategy I just invented and I wanted to share it right way, before I even hone and develop it further. This may be true for many of us, but I notice that when I keep putting off something, I usually feel disappointed in myself. I still try to adhere to famed time management guru John Lee's four Ds.
As I've written about before, he suggested there are four ways to deal with anything on your agenda: Do It, Drop It, Delay It, Delegate It.

And I've also talked about my Back Burner strategy in terms of delaying something. But now I've come up with this other form, Intentional Procrastination.

I found myself resisting calling an Internet superstar who has promised me several times that he would help promote my audio club. I don't want to seem like a pest, and I also am concerned that I might start railing at him for being out of the integrity he often professes. I actually tried to call his assistant yesterday but she was out, so rather than beating myself up for continuously postponing the inevitable confrontation, I have set next Wednesday as the day I will contact him no matter what.

This gives me some breathing room, time to assess exactly what I want to accomplish, and time to focus on coming to a successful conclusion. It's still putting something off, but this time with a deadline I am committed to meeting. And also committed to doing more effectively because of the extra time I'm giving myself. I'll let you know if this works.

My recent posts on my prosperity blog are among the most powerful articles I've ever written on the subject. And it's free, as is the download of my online book, The Moneylove Manifesto. Check it out at:

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